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The Scarecrow
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Adventures In English
Check-Up Day
The Ter-moo-nators
Roar At The Zoo: 10 animal sounds
Speaking And Listening: ages 10-11
Understanding And Responding To Texts: ages 5-6
Understanding And Responding To Texts: ages 7-8
Understanding And Responding To Texts: ages 8-9
Understanding And Responding To Texts: ages 9-10
Understanding And Responding To Texts: ages 10-11
The Little Giraffe
Growing And Changing
Three Billy Goats Gruff
Horrid Henry: 3 CD set (12 stories)
Captain Pepper's Pets
Noisy Neighbours
iStorm: wild weather and other forces of nature
Micro Monsters
Ocean Monsters
Ice: life in the freezing cold
Storm: the awesome power of weather
Mighty Trucks
A Lesson For Every Day: easy-to-use daily activities for teachers (7-8 years)
A Lesson For Every Day: easy-to-use daily activities for teachers (8-9 years)
The Big Mog Collection
What If We Were Builders? Role play activities for the early years
What If We Were Pilots? Role play activities for the early years
Art Express Book 2: a complete art and design scheme for primary school teachers
Atlas Of The Universe
Baby's First Christmas Lullabies
Christmas Lullabies For Children
Sing A Christmas Cracker: songs for seasonal celebrations
Body Works
The Human Body Book: an illustrated guide
Magical Princesses
Classical Music: an introduction
Nursery Rhymes
The World Of Thomas
Alfie Gives A Hand
The Camel That Got Away
The Crunching Munching Caterpillar
Dougal's Deep-Sea Diary
Lola's Fandango
Pugwash In The Pacific
Scaredy Cat
Scaredy-Cat Splat
Sea of Tranquility
Snorey Time: it's time to go to sleep
Snowy And Chinook
The Teeny Weeny Tadpole
Who's Afraid Of The Dark?
Triple CD Travel Pack
Watch Out For Sprouts! Poems, pictures and free audio CD
Santa Express