Book fairs
We come to schools and hold book fairs in English.

We set up the fair (using your tables!) and it takes one, two or three days depending on how many classes there are in the school.
We normally go to bilingual infant and junior schools.

We tell stories, give talks, recite poems and so on for the children.
Parents, teachers and children come and buy our books. There are discounts for schools and teachers.

We travel through sun, rain and snow to get to your school!
Due to the pandemic book fairs were suspended from March 2020 until November 2021.
We do now arrange them with schools again but because Ruth has teaching commitments we do not have much free time. So any fairs that we do are likely to be shorter than previously and with less storytelling.
However if your school is interested in holding a book fair, please get in touch with us anyway. See the box below!
Would you like a book fair at your school? Send us an email. (Apologies, there is a waiting list and we cannot guarantee we will say yes, but we will see what we can do.)
A brief history of

R&J: that's Ruth and Justin. We have been running the book fair since 2009, when we took over from John Edwards who has since retired.
For more than a decade we have been travelling across Spain, from Pamplona to Asturias, from Cáceres to Menorca, selling books and performing stories for children in infant and primary schools.
We live in a tiny village in Huesca province with a cat and thousands of books.